It’s been a little over 100 days since I last posted.

As you may have guessed by now, I am no longer doing my celibacy. Which is good and okay. It’s actually really good. I feel much more centered than I was ever before with sex and myself.

I’m not really up for blogging at this moment. Sometimes I feel as though I am talking to air. I know that’s not always true. But it doesn’t really motivate me to write my thoughts here. Though it is nice to type them once in a while since it seems to give my thoughts a chance to get out before they’re lost.

I’m awake all the time in the middle of the night. I wonder to myself if there really are some people who don’t suffer with insomnia.

Maybe I need to give my body more reasons to stay asleep for longer than a few short hours.

Thanks for reading my blogs if you were/are. Blogging was so helpful during that stretch of time. It was an intense 100 days.
And this past 100 days have been intense as well.

The future 100 hold a very vigorous semester.
But then I’m “free” so to speak. Though I have student loans to pay back unless I’m in school.
Don’t know what I’ll do about that yet. That thought can go take a hike for now.

That’s all.

I just wanted to find closure with this blog. So far, it’s helped.



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